Works & Services

Works and Services team comprise of the road works crew, garden crew and cleaners. The road works crew are responsible for the construction and maintenance of all local roads, footpaths, kerbing, drainage and signage. The garden crew maintains the Shire's sporting ovals, parks, cemeteries and urban verges. The cleaning crew are responsible for all public amenities.
Albany Highway, Kojonup-Katanning Road and Blackwood Road are all managed by Main Roads, they provide all the maintenance to these roads. If you want to report a fault you can either call 9892 0555 or email them at

Road Report – Please complete a report regarding the damaged road here with as much detail as possible, these reports will be sent to the Works & Services Department to action.
Road Signs – If you find that a Kojonup Road sign is missing, please email and we will order and install a replacement.
Who is Responsible for lighting in our shire?
The majority of the shire's street lighting is owned and maintained by Western Power. The Shire owns and maintains lighting at the following locations:
- Apex Park
- Sporting Ovals
- Skate Park
- Sale Yards
Reporting Street Lighting Faults
Each streetlight has its own unique number attached to the pole which helps identify whether the light is managed by the Shire or by Western Power. This information should be obtained from the light pole and provided before reporting street lighting faults.
If you wish to report a Western Power light pole fault, please use the contact details below:
Phone: 13 13 51 (general)
Phone: 1800 622 008 (street light faults)
Western Power Website (online form available)
Traffic Management
When passing through the Shire’s Road works, please observe the advance warning signs and follow the instructions of the Traffic Controllers. By doing so will ensure the work zone is safe for the workers as well as the road users.
School Bus Route
All road users should be aware that many of the Shire's roads are used by the school busses to transport children to and from school, so we encourage the road user to be extra vigilante.
Weather Conditions
We wish to advise all road users that the condition of the roads will vary from one extreme to another dependent upon the current weather condition. We encourage road users to drive to the conditions of the road.
Rural Road Numbering
Rural Property Address Numbers are a national standard applied across Australia for rural addressing.
The standard uses a distance-based system allocated in a sequence based on how far your driveway is from a nominated start of the road. Your rural property address number is therefore measured from the start of the road to the middle of your property entrance.
As a rule, odd rural property address numbers are applied to the left and even rural property address numbers are applied to the right. If, for example, a property is allocated a rural property address number of 580, it will generally be on the left-hand side and be 5.80 kilometres from the start of the road. A rural property address number is allocated to every land parcel with a substantial building on the property, including all outbuildings and residential dwellings. The rural property address number is to replace previous RMB and lot numbers however, it does not change any legal lot number.
Once the rural road number is determined for your property, Shire staff will notify Landgate to include the rural property address in the State Addresses database. If there are two entrances to separate buildings on a property, each of them is allocated a rural property address number. This helps to identify an entrance to a property for emergency services and ease of locating rural properties.
If you haven’t been assigned a rural property address number, or think you require one please contact the Shire of Kojonup (08) 9831 2400 or email
Public Amenities
Public toilet facilities which are located at:
- Apex Park (Includes a BBQ)
- Spring
- Sporting Complex
These are cleaned and attended to daily. If you find a fault with the facilities, please ring 9831 2900 or email
Dial before you Dig
The Shire follows the Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) service in Western Australia.
Anyone planning to excavate within the Shire should locate underground assets and call the Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) service. For more information please phone 1100 or visit the DBYD website:
Follow the four Ps of excavation as recommended by DBYD:
Plan |
Plan your job. Use the Dial Before You Dig service at least two business days before your job is due to begin to ensure you have the correct information you need to carry out a safe project. |
Pothole |
Potholing (hand digging) is a method to assist in establishing the exact location of all underground infrastructure. |
Protect |
Protecting and supporting the exposed infrastructure is the responsibility of the excavator. Always erect safety barriers in areas at risk to protect underground networks |
Proceed |
Proceed BUT only when you have planned, potholed and put the protective measures in place. |
Parks and Gardens
Garden Maintenance
Garden maintenance is undertaken for all gardens around the CBD and within Public Open Spaces. All areas are visited within a fortnightly schedule.
Irrigation Maintenance
Irrigation maintenance is undertaken fortnightly during the summer months and regularly for the sporting fields. Irrigation is switched off throughout the winter months, although some may be required for the sports fields dependent on the rainfall.
Sports Fields Maintenance
Sports fields are maintained regularly to ensure playing surfaces remain at a high standard. Weekly maintenance undertaken includes mowing, top dressing, fertilising, weed control, de-thatching and coring.
No Spray Register Form
Council is responsible for vegetation management within its road reserves and verges. Management methods for the control of vegetation include hand weeding, slashing and the use of chemical herbicides to eradicate vegetation growing.
Council acknowledges that there will be residents within the Shire that do not wish to have the frontage of their property sprayed with chemical herbicides due to a variety of reasons including registered organic farms, where residents have a medical condition where avoidance of spray is necessary, and where residents look after their own verges.
An application must be undertaken in writing on the approved application form and lodged with Council no later than 30 April each year. Please complete the Application for "No Spray" Register and return to the Shire Administration Office.
Harvest Mass Management Scheme (HMMS)
To facilitate the transport of grain, Main Roads WA Heavy Vehicle Services (HVS) has provided RAV access arrangements under the Harvest Mass Management Scheme (HMMS). If you are transporting grain from the farm paddock to a grain receiver this harvest season, please review the following documents:
Harvest Mass Management Scheme - Business Rules
HMMS Guide Access Arrangements