Community Group Contacts
Need to contact a Kojonup Sports or Community Group? Click on the Community Contact List to view the Kojonup Community & Sports Group Directory.
Your community group isn’t listed? Make sure you’re contactable and complete the Community Group Contact Form and email
Great Southern Mental Health Service Providers
Advice & Tips for Completing the Form
It is advised that if a club wishes to use email, that a generic club email is created using Gmail or similar (Eg: This ensures the privacy of club members email addresses and will make any future handovers easier. Most online emails have a section where you can save documents and also have notifications sent to your secretary’s personal email when a new message is received.
Also as part of this year’s update we have included a few questions so we can add a small description of your club to the contact details. A brief explanation of what answers we’re looking for are:
Club Organisation Name
Should you be listed as Kojonup Club Inc.? Is it Kojonup CWA or CWA Kojonup?
Club Description
Are you a sports club? A social club? Maybe you’re both. What is the purpose of your club/what does your club do? Who do you represent?
Meeting Frequency
How often do you meet? Once a week? Once a month? Is your club seasonal?
Meeting Location
Where does the club typically meet? At the clubhouse? In Kojonup or outside of Kojonup?
Membership Information
How do people join? Should they contact you or just turn up to your next meeting?
If you have any queries please contact, Community Development Officer, on 9831 2400.