Food Safety Training and Events
National Food Safety Standard
The National Food Safety Standard, 3.2.2.A - Food Safety Management Tools have been introduced across Australia to reduce the rate of
foodborne illnesses linked to poor handling of food in certain food service, retail and catering food businesses.
If your business is captured by the standard, you must implement the these requirements.
The standard introduces three food safety management tools for businesses that handle unpackaged, potentially hazardous, ready-to-eat foods.
The three tools include the following requirements:
- Complete food handler training or demonstrate skills and knowledge in safe food handling practices
- Appoint a qualified food safety supervisor
- Show that your food is safe.
For more detailed information about the standard visit Food Safety Management Tools for Food Businesses.
Why is there a new standard?
The Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation noted that the highest proportion of foodborne illness outbreaks in Australia were linked to food service, catering and retail food businesses. After extensive consultation with industry, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) developed and approved Standard 3.2.2A, which will ensure food handlers have appropriate skills and knowledge and key food safety controls are adequately managed.
Frequently asked questions
The Department of Health website provides answers to Food Safety Management Tools FAQs.
Food Safety Supervisor training
Food businesses are required to appoint a Food Safety Supervisor if they handle unpackaged potentially hazardous food that:
- Is used in the preparation of ready-to-eat food to be served to a consumer; or
- Is ready-to-eat food intended for retail sale by that business.
To find out about more about the requirements and a list of training organisations that provide Food Safety Supervisor Training visit the Department of Health website.
Food Information
The sale of food in WA is regulated via the Food Act 2008 which, among other things, adopts the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Under the provisions of the Food Act, persons wishing to sell food within the Shire of Kojonup are required to notify and/or register their business with the Shire of Kojonup. The relevant registration form is available here.
Proprietors of food businesses are required to produce only safe and suitable food; the standards of which are outlined in the various chapters of the Food Standards Code.
The Food Standards Code (here) is separated into four Chapters.
- Chapter 1 applies to most foods and include the labelling requirements
- Chapter 2 contains specific requirements for particular foods (more applicable to manufacturers of food)
- Chapter 3 contains the Food Safety Standards for the layout, facilities, maintenance and cleanliness of your food business.
- Chapter 4 contains numerous Primary Production Standards.
The document “Safe Food Australia” provides an overview of each of the standards which is available here.
Further information is available on the Department of Health’s website:
Thinking about starting a food manufacturing business
Free Online Food Safety Training
Environmental Health Australia (EHA) offers I'M ALERT Food Safety Training Program that enables a consistent and efficient delivery of Food Safety Training.
This program is online, 24/7, seven days a week.
Wanting to hold a temporary stall/ hold a fundraiser?
Temporary food businesses are considered on a case-by-case basis. The relevant application form is available here.
Temporary stalls are required to be set up in a manner that does not jeopardise food safety. Example of a stall layout available here.
Public and community events (Including Reserves)
Please see here for guidance in organising/holding public events.
Shire of Kojonup - Public and Community Events application
Trading in public places
Why is approval needed?
You must obtain approval from the Shire to trade on any public land in the Shire of Kojonup. This will ensure that the Shire can manage the variety of activities in public places.
Public places include Council land, and places that the public have a right of access, such as streets, thoroughfares and parks.
Application for Stallholders / Traders Permit
Thinking of using your home kitchen?
The Department of Health’s website contains considerations regarding home-based food businesses, information can be found here.
To operate a home-based food business requires Shire development approval in addition to an approval under the Food Act.
Applicants need to complete an application for development approval here and submit that together with the following:
- A cover letter explaining the proposed activity
- A floor plan of the house/business location showing the areas proposed to be used (including their size). The suitability of the intended workspace will need to be assessed based on a site visit.
- Classification of a home-based business from a planning application perspective, will determine by the size of the space and nature of the business e.g. do people collect goods from your property?
- Information on food storage and transport
- Information on cleaning procedures
- Information on product labelling (as relevant)
- Information on food recall procedure (if relevant)
- Water Supply.
- The development application fee for home-based businesses is $222.
Fees: Trading In Public Places
Fees (Payment must be received with the application at time of lodgement)
Please allow up to 7 days for applications to be processed
Community Groups/Clubs/Not-For-Profit Organisations per day
No Charge
Trading Location Fee - Application and License
Trading Location Fee – Annual Renewal Fee
Trading Location Fee – Temporary Fee (1 month)
Trading Location Fee – Concession – Half Year Licences
Fees: Food Premises and Environmental Health Officer
Fees (Payment must be received with the application at time of lodgement)
Please allow up to 7 days for applications to be processed
Community Groups/Clubs/Not-For-Profit Organisations
No Charge
Food Premises registration, inspection and licence renewal - High Risk
Food Premises registration, inspection and licence renewal - Medium Risk
Food Premises registration, inspection and licence renewal - Low Risk
Public Septic Inspections