The Kojonup Airstrip is located 7.5kms North of the township of Kojonup adjacent to the Albany Highway. The aircraft area caters for the Royal Flying Doctor, Emergency Services, agriculture and private users. This airstrip has a newly installed lighting system for landing at night which is operated by pilots or by a manual button inside the Airstrip building.
Please contact the Shire Office on 9831 2400 for permission to land at the Kojonup airstrip prior to use and please see below the rules and information for the use of the Airstrip.
- You must abide by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority rules;
- There are no landing fees associated with the Kojonup Airstrip;
- Please do not park or leave your aircraft on the runway, in front of the water tanks or not in front of the Ambulance building;
- There is no re-fuelling available at the airstrip;
- Agriculture planes are to use the parking area south of the building.

Operating the Lights – Instructions for Pilots
To activate the lights:
- Locate the radio handpiece;
- Slowly press the ‘speak’ button on the left hand side of the handpiece three (3) times. The button should be pressed for approximately two (2) seconds with a two (2) second gap between each press, i.e.: press button, wait 2 seconds, press button, wait 2 seconds, press button;
- A voice recording will sound indicating that the lights have been activated.

Kojonup Airstrip Specifications

Should you have any further queries, please contact the Shire of Kojonup following personal:
- Manager of Property Services – 0473 523 216
- Chief Executive Officer – 0419 903 363