Townsite Spraying - Application to No Spray Register

Published on Thursday, 25 July 2024 at 10:35:50 AM

The Shire is preparing the town site spraying program for 2024 - Still required if you have previously submitted a NO SPRAY application form.

If you do not want the Shire to spray your road verge or road reserves frontage, you must complete a ‘No Spray Application’. Requests must be made in writing and lodged with the Council no later than Friday 16th August, 2024. Forms are available to collect from the Shire office or they can be emailed by phoning 9831 2400. Forms can also be found on the shire website

An application is only applicable to the entire frontage of resident’s immediate property and for the area parallel to a distance of no greater than 10m.

In completing an application, the resident agrees to take over responsibility for:
• Controlling all National, State and Locally-listed pest plants;
• Keeping the road frontage clear and/or tidy;
• Keeping drainage and/or paths free of obstruction and fully operational at all times; and
• Ensuring kerbs, footpaths and gutters are free of vegetation growth.

In considering an application, the following shall be taken account:
• Whether the adjoining land is used for certified organic vegetable/fruit/cereal production;
• Existence of a medical condition in the household which may be exacerbated by exposure to herbicides or associated additives;
• The applicant has other mitigating circumstances that would warrant an area not being exposed to the use of herbicide chemicals.

Council reserves the right to reject any applications on the grounds that it is not within the overall interest of Council to include the area within the No Spray Register. Upon refusal of an application for the No Spray Register, Council Staff will reply in writing to the resident with the outcome. Where the application is approved, Council Staff will add the property onto the No Spray Register. Applications are non-transferrable. For a copy of the Council policy, please email

If you have any queries, please contact Shire on 9831 2400.

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